Tuesday, April 18, 2017


As a new employee at Baruch, hired to improve new media initiatives at the college, I would evaluate and potentially overhaul its current social media channels. With 15,000+ undergraduate students this year and a countless number of alumni, there is no reason why the following platforms have such a low subscriber count:

Stats as of 4/18:
Facebook: 20,305 followers
Twitter: 11,007 followers
YouTube: 878 followers

Given the current stats, there is clearly a lack of engagement between students, alumni and the college.  Improvement is needed, especially through the college's YouTube channel.  

In order to grow subscribership for these channels, I would propose a student based social media club for those interested or majoring in Public Relations, Communications or Computer Sciences, etc. Within the club setting, students can voice their opinions on what content should be added to these pre-existing channels, to encourage users to follow the college, in accordance with CUNY standards and regulations.  

Specifically, I would focus my efforts on improving Baruch's YouTube channel and foster a collaborative environment between students and staff.  Adding interviews from professors of various departments and filming the campus and student activities on a more consistent basis, can create a 'day in the life' experience for prospective students. Also, reaching out and interviewing successful alumni, for first-hand insight and advice within their industry, can inspire current students working towards their degrees and provide them with an idea of what to expect once they enter the work force.  

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